What Makes Great School Furniture?

Having modern, accessible furniture is critical to the learning experience. Outdated furniture can become more of a liability when it doesn’t suit the environment or the subject matter, causing a distraction to take away from learning. So, what considerations should you have to make learning easier from a furniture standpoint? Let’s consider things that relate to ergonomics, or psychological and physiological factors that affect people’s efficiency, to have in mind as you decide on your next purchase:

Does it support flexibility, but not at the expense of good posture?

A top priority for furniture is that it’s comfortable for students to sit in. Uncomfortableness will cause a distraction at the most basic level, as their attention will focus on the furniture rather than what’s taught during class. This will depend on your grade level and subject matter, but focus on seating and furniture that accommodates various heights and weights. Can the furniture be adjusted as necessary based on the students, or at least have some give when leaning back? Is it easy to move for comfort or depending on the class activity? Can tables or other furniture be pushed together to allow for more learning styles? The more flexibility, the more choices your students and teachers can make to meet their individual needs and wants.

Not all furniture that may seem “comfortable” or “collaborative” may allow your students to sit for a long time. A stool can work to move around or reach specific tables easily, but if it doesn’t have proper support, how long until you find your students slouching, putting pressure on their backs? You can also try for very comfortable, padded chairs, but will that encourage improper seating from being too relaxed? Certain grade levels will be able to have more self-control than others, so choose furniture that is appropriate for each particular age.

Is it sturdy enough to last a long time?

As is often the case with anything children handle, things can become battered, misused, and destroyed. Even if everyone treats the furniture carefully, things will get worn down over time. You most likely don’t have the budget to purchase furniture every couple of years, so you want your furniture to last for the foreseeable future. 

When purchasing this kind of furniture, consider how thoughtfully it was designed for the classroom. How many parts can be broken due to repetitive movements or absent-minded messing around? Will it stay together if it takes a fall? What parts can you quickly and affordably replace in 5-10 years to keep your furniture looking relatively new? You won’t want to spend money on furniture that is low-cost now, but will become a repetitive repair and cost issue when you could have purchased a more high-quality and durable option.

Do psychological factors, such as color, fit your needs?

It might not be initially obvious, but considering the appearance of your furniture can make or break opinions on them. Color, for instance, can be something that affects students and teachers psychologically. A classroom of mismatched colored chairs can lead to students wanting a particular color, leading to disgruntlement if not all wants are met. Instead, furniture decided on the school's branding or another objective factor can make a more appealing environment. Of course, each circumstance will be unique in how you want to balance colors, but it’s not something you’ll want to brush aside in the decision-making process.

You’ll also need to think of the needs of a modern classroom. If your classrooms are looking for more active learning environments or technology use, you might be looking at furniture that reflects that idea. A traditional setup of chairs and desks may suit some educational needs, but it may not reflect the classroom style you want. Updating the classroom furniture to reflect your ideal situation can help the classroom feel more collaborative and active. Certain colors will also help with this effect, such as bright colors for a makerspace, but consider the use of the furniture you provide to make choices that make sense for what you want to do.


Furniture can seem like something you order and forget about, but it’s something that can become the focus of your students, teachers, and other constituents, whether it’s good or bad. As such, you’ll want to take the time to make sure you’re purchasing the right furniture. Do your research, try samples, and work with furniture professionals to make sure your school’s furniture is a highlight of the care you have for everything and everyone who walks through your doors.

Check Out Our Vendor Partners!


Demco aims to maximize positive outcomes for all learners by offering educators innovative and inspired solutions for their classrooms and libraries. We believe that every learner should have access to optimized spaces, innovative learning tools, and essential resources that maximize potential.


Lakeshore Learning

At Lakeshore, we believe in creating products that matter. Developed by teachers for teachers, our hands-on learning materials are meticulously crafted to help children reach developmental and academic milestones through sixth grade, with furniture designed for any learning space through middle school. Plus, all Lakeshore products are backed by our unconditional guarantee of customer satisfaction. We’re also proud to offer comprehensive services like Complete Classrooms®, user-friendly eProcurement and targeted professional development—making Lakeshore the one-stop shop for all your classroom needs.


Midwest Educational Furnishings

Midwest Educational Furnishings, Inc., is an experienced full-service school furniture and equipment company focused on providing learning environments that inspire students and support educators. Our mission is to enhance and improve learning experiences for students of all ages. We work closely with our clients, creating spaces that support active student learning and innovation. With over 100 manufacturing partners, we have solutions at a variety of price points for upgrading conventional school environments, creating flexible and collaborative spaces, and developing technical learning areas.


National Business Furniture

School furniture is not all created equally. Whether your library needs updating or a classroom needs a few more desks, NBF has the furniture you need. With School Desks and School Chairs for teachers and students, NBF has your classroom covered. We also offer Lockers, AV Furniture, and Lunch Tables to keep your school running smoothly.


School Specialty

Preparing the next generation of students for a happy, successful, and constructive future is a critical responsibility that we all share. But it’s becoming more and more challenging to create the right environments that improve results by supporting, protecting and engaging our children.

We believe that every student can flourish in an environment where they feel safe and inspired to explore and grow. We empower leaders with modern educational ecosystems that optimize student outcomes